Menlo Commons building information
— a selection

Bldg C deck locations transparent
Bldg C deck locations see-through
Bldg C whole floor layouts see-through w some drains
Bldg C NW unit layouts see-through w drains
Bldg C NW unit layouts see-through w drains 2nd
Bldg C NW unit layouts see-through w drains 3rd
Bldg D whole floor layouts w/o drains transparent
Bldg D whole floor layouts w/ drains transparent
Bldg C drains video: C roof 1920 resolution, 109MB
Bldg C drains video: C roof 720 resolution, 31MB

Menlo Commons construction drawings were scanned full size in the summer of 2017. Dag has extracted a selection of images from these, pasted in legal size pdf files so they become more accesible.

Building and condo layouts are available HERE.
Contact Dag Forssell for more.